Synthesis Skills - WGTE Projects

About the Project

In May and June of 2018, two Lourdes students and I were offered the opportunity to create educational content for WGTE Toledo. This local public broadcasting station collects lectures from around the northwest Ohio area. These lectures are led by professors, leaders, experts, and other highly educated people for the purpose of educating the public on worldwide, current issues, or historical topics of importance. My group was tasked with identifying 24 of these lectures, known as Knowledge Streams, to watch and clip for a digestible, quick lesson for kids in grades K-12.

Creation Process

WGTE's Knowledge Stream educational modules were created on shared Google Documents for easy collaboration. Each intern was assigned 8 lectures to watch. After viewing, we would choose the most important clip from the lecture, up to 5 minutes long, and then come up with ideas for activities and questions that could accompany the clip. Each document followed a strict format: the name of the lecture, name of person giving the lecture, date and location of lecture, hyperlink to lecture, timestamps of lecture used for educational clip, and a title for the clip. Then, we worked on a short overview of the lecture (in a sentence or two), and a short summary of the clip. We then collaborated on creating discussion questions and an activity for the class to do. Educational outcomes and standards were added after our other content was approved.

Knowledge Stream Shared Documents

Knowledge Stream Document 1 Knowledge Stream Document 2